Learning Outcome and Assessment Criteria

Skill Shop’s qualifications have set learning outcomes and assessment criteria. The learning outcomes describe the skills and knowledge a participant will gain by successfully completing the qualification. The assessment criteria state the skills, knowledge, and competence a participant will be required to demonstrate during assessment. 

Qualification Reference


This qualification consists of one unit

Guided Learning Hours (GLH)


Total Qualification Time (TQT)



The participant will:


The participant can:

1. Understand the role and responsibilities of a first aider

1.1 Identify the roles and responsibilities of a first aider

1.2 Identify how to minimise the risk of infection to self and others

1.3 Identify the need for consent to provide first aid

2. Be able to safely assess and emergency situation

2.1 Conduct a first on scene survey

2.2 Conduct a primary survey of a casualty

2.3 Summon assistance where necessary

3. Be able to provide first aid to an unresponsive casualty

3.1 Identify when to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

3.2 Demonstrate CPR on a manikin for an infant, child and adult

3.3 Identify when to place a casualty into the safe airway position (SAP)

3.4 Demonstrate how to place a casualty into multiple safe airway positions

3.5 Demonstrate continual monitoring of a casualty in the safe airway position

3.6 Identify how to administer first aid to someone having a seizure

4. Be able to provide first aid to a casualty who is choking

4.1 Identify when a casualty is choking

4.2 Demonstrate how to administer first aid to a casualty who is choking

5. Be able to provide first aid to a casualty with external bleeding

5.1 Identify when external bleeding is life-threatening

5.2 Demonstrate how to administer first aid to a bleeding casualty

6. Know how to provide first aid to a casualty who is suffering from shock

6.1 Recognise when a casualty is going into shock

6.2 Identify how to administer first aid to a casualty in shock

6.3 Administer an epipen to a casualty in anaphylactic shock

7. Know how to provide first aid to a casualty who minor injuries

7.1 Identify how to administer first aid to a casualty with:

  • small cuts
  • grazes
  • bruises
  • small splinters
  • nosebleeds

7.2 Identify how to administer first aid to a casualty with minor burns and scalds

Additional Information

Others may include casualties, work colleagues, or people within the workplace environment

CPR – minimum demonstration time of 2 minutes at floor level.   May include use of rescue breaths barrier devices

Shock – hypovolaemic shock (resulting from blood loss) and anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction)

Created: 17 October 2024
Last Modified: 29 October 2024
Author: Phil Newton

Version: Version: 1.28