Course Evaluation

As part of the final steps in course delivery, trainers and assessors at Skills Shop Ltd are required to complete a Course Evaluation Form upon the completion of the course by all participants. This document ensures that all necessary paperwork is completed and that the course delivery has met the required standards.

Skills Shop Ltd utilises Get Formly, allowing trainers and assessors to complete forms electronically. Alternatively, other forms can be used, provided they include a wet signature and track the IP address of the completed form to ensure compliance.

Trainers and assessors must ensure that the Course Evaluation Form captures the following information:

  • CourseID
  • Course Name
  • Course Completion Date
  • Participant Names
  • Trainer / Assessor Declaration: verify all assessments / standards were met by participants (note details as needed)
  • Reasonable Adjustments: note any adjustments made for specific participants
  • Conflict of Interest: note any conflicts of interest with specific participants
  • Trainer / Assessor Name
  • Trainer / Assessor Signature

Storing of Information

Please refer to our Paperwork Handling and Storage guidance.

Created: 17 October 2024
Last Modified: 29 October 2024
Author: Phil Newton

Version: Version: 1.13