Session Plan

The qualification requires successful completion of one unit – Emergency First Aid in the Workplace.

Session plan timings are approximate.  Trainer / assessors should be flexible and responsive considering the needs of the participants but must ensure that the minimum contact hours are met and used to cover the full syllabus. 


Module 1: Introduction

Session Content

  1. Trainer/assessor introduction
  2. Venue health and safety procedures, facilities, and any housekeeping rules 
  3. Qualification information:
    • Syllabus
    • Validity, requalification, and refresher training
    • Assessment process and any physical demands
    • Reasonable adjustment and special consideration 
  1. Administration:
  • Explain Participant Declaration Form and any training materials
  1. Learner introductions

Session Duration

10 minutes

Module 2: What is first aid?

Session Content

  1. Definition of first aid
  2. The aims of first aid

Session Duration

10 minutes

Module 3: Legislation

Session Content

  1. Health and safety regulations
  2. First aid provision
  3. First aid kits and contents
  4. Accidents and incident reporting

Session Duration

30 minutes

Module 4: Responsibilities

Session Content

  1. Roles and responsibilities of the first aider
  2. Consent
  3. Priorities of first aid treatment
  4. Communication with casualties
  5. Contacting the emergency services
  6. Infection control and minimising risk to self and others

Session Duration

25 minutes

Module 5: Action in an emergency

Session Content

  1. Factors involved in an emergency
  2. Assessing the scene using SHAPE

Session Duration

10 minutes

Scenario 1 – Primary survey and recovery position

Module 6: Primary survey

Session Content

  1. DR ABC
  2. Assess the level of responsiveness
  3. Airway and breathing checks
  4. Using bystanders and calling for help
  5. Safe airway position – how and why


Scenario 1 – Primary survey and recovery position

Session Duration

25 minutes

Module 7: Secondary survey

Session Content

  1. Casualty assessment top-to-toe


Scenario 2 – Primary survey and recovery position

Session Duration

25 minutes

Module 8: The respiratory system

Session Content

  1. Understand importance of diaphragm
  2. How oxygen enters the body
  3. Composition of air we breathe in and out
  4. Understand why we can give rescue breaths

Session Duration

10 minutes

Module 9: Resuscitation and AED

Session Content

  1. Principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  2. Current resuscitation guidelines
  3. CPR on your own
  4. CPR with help available
  5. Ways to provide rescue breaths including use of face shields
  6. Safe use of an AED
  7. Chain of survival
  8. Problems encountered during resuscitation


Scenario 3 – CPR and the safe use of an automated external defibrillator (AED)

Session Duration

60 minutes

Module 10: Choking

Session Content

  1. Understand differences between a full and partial blockage


Scenario 4 – Demonstrate back blows / abdominal thrusts on infant, child and adult using appropriate equipment

Session Duration

30 minutes

Module 11: Hypovolaemic shock and fainting

Session Content

  1. How circulatory system works
  2. The definition, causes, recognition and treatment of:
    • Shock
    • Fainting

Session Duration

20 minutes

Module 12: Wounds and bleeding

Session Content

  1. Composition of blood
  2. Types of wounds
  3. Types and severity of bleeding
  4. Preventing cross-infection
  5. General rules for bandaging
  6. Treatment of bleeding:
    • Open wound
    • Embedded object
    • Bruising
    • Minor cuts and grazes
    • Nosebleeds
    • Amputations
    • Foreign objects (nose, ears, splinters)


Scenario 5 – Major bleeding and hypovolaemic shock

Scenario 6 – Minor injuries

Session Duration

20 minutes

Module 13: Seizures

Session Content

  1. Recognition of a seizure
  2. Treatment for:
    • Tonic-clonic seizure
    • Complex-partial seizure
  3. When to contact emergency services



Scenario 7 – Tonic-clonic seizure

Session Duration

20 minutes

Module 14: Minor burns and scalds

Session Content

    1. Causes of burns
    2. Classification of burns
    3. Treatment of burns:
    • Chemical (absorption and swallowed)
    • Non-Chemical

Session Duration

20 minutes

Module 15: Anaphylaxis

Session Content

  1. What is anaphylaxis?
  2. Recognising signs of anaphylaxis
  3. Treatment for anaphylaxis


Scenario 8 – Safe use of an epipen

Session Duration

20 minutes

Module 16: Course closure

Session Content

  1. Play an approved game such as blockbusters / connect 4 and resus relay to embed learning
  2. Ask learners to:
    • Complete online learner declaration form
    • Download course manual
  3. Inform learners when they can expect to receive their certificate and method of delivery i.e. cert or hard copy.

Congratulate the learners on their achievement and thank them for their attendance and effort during the course.

Session Duration

25 minutes

Refer to the Marking Guide for all assessments.

Created: 17 October 2024
Last Modified: 29 October 2024
Author: Phil Newton

Version: Version: 1.28