The certification date should correspond to the completion of the final unit. The qualification’s validity period, as outlined in Table 2, should be determined from this date. Certificates awarded for Emergency First Aid at Work or First Aid at Work must include the following details:
- A reference to the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981
- A statement confirming that the certificate is valid for three years from the final unit completion date
- The name of the training provider
Training Duration
The minimum required contact hours (time allocated for direct teaching and assessment, excluding breaks) for each qualification are outlined in Table 2.
For FAW/EFAW qualifications, the minimum contact hours are as follows:
- First Aid at Work: 18 hours
- First Aid at Work Re-qualification*: 12 hours
- Emergency First Aid at Work: 6 hours
For PFAW/EPFAW qualifications, the minimum contact hours are:
- Paediatric First Aid: 12 hours
- Emergency Paediatric First Aid: 6 hours
*First Aid at Work Re-Qualification
Learners who have previously achieved the FAW qualification must re-certify by completing the full course again. If their FAW certificate has expired by no more than one calendar month (e.g., expired on the 5th and the course begins on or before the 4th of the following month), the training hours can be reduced to 12 hours across two days.
After this period, the training provider may decide, based on their policy, whether a reduction in contact hours is still applicable. All learners must be assessed on every learning outcome and criterion outlined in the course units. To be eligible for the shorter re-qualification course, learners must present evidence of their previous FAW qualification.
It is important for training providers, centres, and employers to understand that if a workplace first aider’s certification expires, they will not be recognised as a first aider under the First Aid at Work Regulations until they complete the qualification again.
Session Plans
All courses must be conducted using the current session plans provided within each course pack. It is the trainer’s ultimate responsibility to ensure these plans are followed and implemented throughout the training.
Course Evaluation
All courses must be conducted using the current session plans provided within each course pack. It is the trainer’s ultimate responsibility to ensure these plans are followed and implemented throughout the training.
Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)
All courses must be conducted using the current session plans provided within each course pack. It is the trainer’s ultimate responsibility to ensure these plans are followed and implemented throughout the training.