Skills Shop is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all participants. This Language Policy outlines the guidelines and expectations regarding language usage within our training programmes to ensure effective communication and equal access to educational opportunities.
The primary language of instruction for all Skills Shop training programmes is English.
Participants are expected to have a proficient level of English language skills to participate effectively in the courses.
Where necessary, supplementary materials or support may be provided in other languages, subject to availability and feasibility.
All official communications, including announcements, instructions, and course materials, will be provided in English.
Trainers and staff will communicate with participants in clear and concise English to facilitate understanding and engagement.
Participants are encouraged to communicate in English during training sessions and interactions with trainers and peers to enhance language proficiency and promote inclusivity.
Assessments, examinations, and written assignments must be completed in English, unless otherwise specified by the course requirements.
Participants are responsible for ensuring that their written and verbal responses are clear, coherent, and effectively communicate their understanding of the subject matter.
Skills Shop acknowledges that some participants may require additional support to improve their English language proficiency.
Support resources, such as language tutorials, English language workshops, and language proficiency assessments, may be offered to assist participants in developing their language skills.
Skills Shop values diversity and respects the linguistic backgrounds and cultural identities of all participants.
Participants are encouraged to share their language skills and cultural perspectives with their peers, fostering a collaborative and inclusive learning community.
All participants are expected to adhere to the guidelines outlined in this Language Policy.
Trainers and staff are responsible for enforcing the policy and addressing any language-related issues or concerns that may arise.
Any violations of the Language Policy will be addressed through appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with Skills Shop’s policies and procedures.
This Language Policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to reflect changes in language usage trends, educational best practices, and the evolving needs of our participant community. Feedback from participants and stakeholders will be considered in the revision process to ensure that the policy remains relevant and effective.
Version: Version: 1.07