Where a mental health first aid needs assessment identifies the necessity for a mental health first aiders in the workplace, this 4 hour certification will give the participant the knowledge and skills required to deal with a wide range of mental health situations.
The certification is also suitable for people with responsibility for the provision of mental health first aiders in other settings such as voluntary and community groups.
The qualification is available to participants aged 16 or over but a participant cannot assume the responsibility of being a first aider in the workplace until they reach the age of 18.
It is recommended that participants hold a minimum of level 1 in literacy or equivalent to undertake this certification.
It may be possible to grant a reasonable adjustment for a participant who has a disability, medical condition or learning need following Skills Shop’s Reasonable Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy. For example, assistance could be given with reading or writing.
If a participant has any concerns they should contact their trainer / assessor to discuss before attending the course.
The certification has 4 assigned guided learning hours (GLH) and 4 hours total qualification time (TQT).
GLH indicates the number of hours that the participant will undertake being taught or assessed by the trainer / assessor.
TQT includes GLH but also considers any unsupervised learning or preparation that a participant may undertake independently which could include self-study or the completion of set tasks.
The course can be delivered in person over the duration of ½ day or over 2 sessions (each lasting 2 hours).
You may also choose to deliver the certification as a blended course. In this instance the blended (distance learning) may not exceed one third of the total guided learning hours i.e. 1 ½ hours distance learning, 4 hours in person (1 session or 2 sessions lasting two hours).
The participant ratio for the qualification is a maximum of 16 participants to 1 trainer/assessor.
The qualification is valid for three years from the date of achievement.
The HSE guidance states that on expiry of their qualification a mental health first aider is no longer considered competent to act as a mental health first aider in the workplace. It is advisable to arrange requalification before expiry to ensure that a workplace is not left with a shortfall of qualified mental health first aiders.
To prequalify participants will need to complete the full 4 hour course again.
Once a participants certificate has expired they are not legally allowed to administer mental health first aid in the workplace. We therefore recommend that participants requalify within 3 months of their expiry date to ensure they stay in date.
Where this falls within three months of the expiry date, the participants certificate can be backdated to the original date so no lost days result in re-qualifying early.
The qualification is assessed through a combination of questioning, individual tasks, and group activities.. There is no grading of the assessment, participants pass or are referred.
It is up to the organisation to determine if this certification meets their mental health first aid requirements. They may also consider providing staff with a more comprehensive course lasting 6 hours.
The qualification consists of one unit which participants must successfully complete to achieve the qualification.
Version: Version: 1.04