Importing Contacts

  1. Complete the Course Attendees tab within the SF Contacts spreadsheet >

NB: Please ensure all information is entered in Title Casle.

  1. Save as a “CSV” file on your desktop ensuring the original spreadsheet is left blank for the next user.

2. Within in Salesforce click on contacts tab within Salesforce followed by Import.

3 . Select Accounts and Contacts > Add new and update existing records (don’t amend any settings) > CSV File.

4. Upload your cvs file and map any missing fields that appear unmapped.

5. Click next.

7 . Click Start Import.  You’ll be notified via email once this is complete and will shown any contacts that have failed to import.

If this happens simply correct the errors and resave this to a separate CSV file so you can re-run the import from Step 2.